General Assembly Security Council
UNSC Briefing/Consultations on UNMISS [South Sudan]
[Thursday, 15 September 2022; 10:00 hrs EDT/ 19:30 hrs IST]
Approved India Remarks

Mr. President,
Let me begin by thanking SRSG Frank Haysom and OCHA representative for their informative briefings. We warmly welcome the appointment of Lt. Gen Mohan Subramaniam from the Indian Army as the new Force Commander for UNMISS during this reporting period. It is a matter of pride for my delegation that he is the second consecutive Force Commander from India for UNMISS.
2.    The positive political and security developments in South Sudan were highlighted in recent report of the Secretary General. The 30th August graduation ceremony of over 21,000 unified forces was a major development. This further builds on political developments including completion of formation of the reconstituted Transitional National Legislative Assembly. We also welcome the agreement reached between President Salva Kiir and First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar that all parties to the peace agreement should participate in the governance structures of the administrative areas. These developments are significant and need to be duly recognized.
3.    We welcome the extension of the transitional period by another two years till February 2025, a measure which was agreed to by all signatories to the Revitalized Peace Agreement. The IPF (IGAD Partners Forum), of which India is a member State, was one of the 37 (out of 42 members) of the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring & Evaluation Commission (R-JMEC) voting in favour of extension of the transitional period. We have noted SRSG’s calls to the Government of South Sudan to redouble efforts to agree on a roadmap-with clear benchmarks, timelines and priorities, to pave the way towards free, fair and credible elections.
4.   This positive step will further add to the momentum on the economic front, where the situation has remained relatively stable, although recent rise in inflation due to the current geopolitical scenario continues to be a source of concern. Concerns with regard to public finance management and corruption also need to be addressed on priority.
5.​The humanitarian situation however remains a matter of concern, including risks related to acute starvation. The international community, including the UN, needs to step up its efforts, in support of South Sudan.  We appreciate the Mission’s efforts towards delivery of humanitarian assistance to those in need, particularly in the flood affected areas.
6.    We join UNMISS in expressing concern about the safety and security of thousands of civilians caught in the recent clashes between rival groups in Upper Nile state. We also take note of role of UNMISS in protecting the civilians at Malakal site and in mitigating the inter-communal conflict. We have also noted the improved communication between UNMISS and the Government.  We also take note of integrated and cross-Mission approach including setting up of Temporary Operational Bases.
7.    We appreciate the Mission’s efforts to support Rule of Law and accountability institutions by supporting special Courts, mobile Courts and development of framework for victim and witness protection programs. The recent creation of the Ministry of Peacebuilding in South Sudan would help in better understanding peacebuilding needs.
8.    Mr. President, India has been one of the largest TCCs (troop contributing country) to UNMISS since its establishment. At present we have nearly 2300 troops serving in the country. Apart from their core mandate of protecting civilians and providing medical services, the Indian contingent in UNMISS is also contributing to promoting sustainable development and welfare of the people of South Sudan. Over the years, the Indian peacekeepers have gone beyond the call of duty by undertaking a variety of social activities in this regard. It is entirely to their credit that the UN has consistently acknowledged the outstanding contributions of the Indian peacekeepers.
9.    We believe, at this transformative phase, South Sudan requires the wholehearted support of the international community, including from the IGAD, AU and UN.
10.    India is fully cognizant of the challenges faced by South Sudan in its pursuit of peace and stability. India has delivered humanitarian assistance to the country in the form of food grains and medicines during the pandemic and before. An artificial limb fitment camp was organized in Juba last year which benefitted over 500 amputees. We are at the forefront in providing a wide range of capacity building courses to the youth of South Sudan.
11.​We will continue to support South Sudan, and its people in their journey towards securing sustainable peace and a prosperous future.
I thank you.