General Assembly General Assembly

76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly

Second Committee

India’s Explanation of Position after adoption of Resolution A/C.2/76/L.19/Rev.1

Protection of global climate for present and future generations of humankind

by Mr. Sneha Dubey, First Secretary


23 November, 2021


Thank you Madam Chair,


We thank Ms. Leticia Zamora for facilitating this important resolution.


I would like to make an explanation of position on the resolution just adopted, on behalf of the Indian delegation with a few brief points:


  • Developed countries must not pass on their own obligations to developing countries. 

They are, as it is, not even meeting their mitigation obligations, leave alone adaptation, financing and other obligations.


  • Developed countries must meet their commitments equitably on both mitigation and adaptation.


  • Today, it is necessary that as we track the progress made in climate mitigation, we should also track climate finance. 


We call on developed countries to provide climate finance of 1 trillion US dollars at the earliest.


Madam Chair,


I would also like to reflect our concerns on Operative Paragraph 10 of this resolution.  It is rather unfortunate that one delegation has used this resolution to propagate its political ideology, attempting to promote a different approach to sustainable development from the one enshrined in 2030 Agenda.


The phrase “environmentally sound, open and shared manner” has no clearly agreed meaning or relevance in the context of achievement of sustainable development.


While attempts were made to work on a consensus solution this year, we regret that there was no constructive engagement on this para.  We have thus voted in favour of the amendment which contains the consensus language from 2030 Agenda.


Let me assure you of our continuous effort and commitment towards climate action and protecting global climate for present and coming generations.


I thank you, Madam Chair.

