General Assembly Security Council

UNSC emergency briefing on Ukraine 

[Attacks on a Critical Infrastructure]

[23 November 2022 1600 hrs]


Remarks by Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj

Permanent Representative of India to the UN


Thank You Mr. President. I would like to thank the briefers for their remarks at this emergency meeting.


2.     India continues to remain concerned about the situation in Ukraine including the targeting of civilian infrastructure and the deaths of civilians.  History has shown us that the killings of civilians and devastation of civilian infrastructure have been used, regrettably, as legitimate weapons of war.  India strongly condemns the use of oppressive violence against innocent civilians and targeting of civilian objects in armed conflicts, regardless of who commits them.


3.    Since the beginning of the Ukraine conflict, India has consistently called for an immediate cessation of hostilities and an end to the violence. We have repeatedly called upon both sides to return to the path of diplomacy and dialogue, and also expressed our support for all diplomatic efforts to end the conflict. Our Prime Minister’s statement that this cannot be an era of war has been appreciated across the world. India’s position on the Ukraine conflict is premised on this principle. We continue to support all efforts aimed at de-escalation.


5.    India’s approach to the Ukraine conflict will continue to be people centric. We are providing both humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and economic support to some of our neighbours in the Global South under economic distress due to the ripple effect of this conflict. 


6.    India has provided humanitarian aid to Ukraine and neighboring countries of Poland, Romania, Hungary, and Slovak Republic. At the request of the Ukrainian government, India has also provided financial aid for reconstruction of educational institutions. To help low-income countries fight against price rise and shortage of foodstuff, India has exported more than 1.8 million tons of wheat to countries in need, including to Afghanistan, Myanmar, Sudan, and Yemen.


7.      To conclude, we continue to express our support for all diplomatic efforts to end the conflict. We, therefore, sincerely hope for an early resumption of peace talks to bring about an immediate ceasefire, and early resolution to the conflict. We reiterate that the global order is anchored on respect for principles of the UN Charter, international law and sovereignty and territorial integrity of States.


Thank you!