General Assembly General Assembly

UN General Assembly
72nd Session
Third Committee
Agenda Item 70 : Elimination of racism, racial discrimination, 
Xenophobia and related Intolerance
Agenda Item 71 : Right of Peoples to Self-determination


Right of Reply


Thank you Mr. Chairperson, 

Having heard the representative of Pakistan, we want to place our views on record. 

Pakistan is a country whose role as an epicenter and safe haven for terrorists needs no introduction. Not only the people of India, but our region and beyond have to daily struggle with brutalities inflicted by terrorists and ideologies emanating from Pakistan. 

However much Pakistan may covet the territory of others, may we remind them that the state of Jammu and Kashmir is, and will remain an integral part of India. 

We are aware that we will once again hear denial from Pakistan. 

We do not intend to waste the precious time of this Committee, which can be better utilized for its agenda and issues under consideration. 

I thank you