General Assembly General Assembly

Statement by Ambassador Tanmaya Lal, Deputy Permanent Representative at the International Day of Happiness on March 20, 2016


Excellencies, friends,


This has been the 'happiest' meeting that I have ever attended at the United Nations.


May I say how happy I am, to be here with all of you wonderful people this morning as we celebrate happiness.


Although happiness is a very simple and fundamental aspect of human life and the object of our desires, happiness often proves to be very elusive at a personal level. They say happiness flows naturally from harmony of all being but Saints and ordinary people alike, continue to strive for this elusive harmony of being.


At a broader level, a harmonious society is even more difficult to achieve. All of us have the responsibility to see how collectively we can work to strive for equity, peace and prosperity and make life on this planet happier and more sustainable. We look forward to working together to realise the transformative Agenda 2030 that last year we have agreed to strive for.


Many of you may be aware that last year the United Nations adopted 21 June as the International Day of Yoga. Practicing Yoga brings us closer in harmony with our inner self and also with nature, of which we are an integral part. Which is also a path to happiness.


It is truly remarkable to see that we are here at the United Nations with a common desire to improve the lives of people around the world. This provides us hope that we can all cooperate to be happy together and live in harmony with our surroundings.


Thank you.